Brass plate, C1720 - China

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2,256,615 ₫

The above price does not include the cost of annealing


Processing method Standard table

Surface Standard





Copper Alloy C1720 is a special copper alloy designed to offer high mechanical strength, good wear resistance, and effective electrical conductivity. This alloy is commonly used in industrial applications requiring specific mechanical and electrical properties.

Key Characteristics of Copper Alloy C1720:

- Chemical Composition:
- Alloy C1720 primarily contains copper (Cu) with small amounts of alloying elements such as silicon (Si) and manganese (Mn) to enhance the mechanical and electrical properties of the alloy.

- Physical Properties:
- High Mechanical Strength: C1720 exhibits excellent mechanical strength, making it suitable for applications requiring high load-bearing capacity.
- Good Wear Resistance: This alloy offers good wear resistance, extending the lifespan of parts and tools.
- Good Electrical Conductivity: C1720 maintains good electrical conductivity, though not as high as pure copper, it is sufficient for electrical applications.
- Machinability: The alloy is easy to machine and weld, suitable for various manufacturing processes.

- Applications:
- Electronics and Electrical Power: Used in electrical contacts, conductors, and other electrical components due to its good electrical conductivity and high strength.
- Tool Manufacturing: Applied in the production of tools and components requiring wear resistance and load-bearing capability.
- Mechanical Industry: Suitable for applications requiring good mechanical properties and ease of machinability.

- Shape and Size:
- Copper Alloy C1720 is typically available in forms such as rods, plates, and other product forms based on specific application requirements.

Manufacturing and Processing:
- C1720 is produced through casting and machining processes. This alloy can be machined and welded depending on the application's requirements.
(Source: Internet)

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