Aluminum Alloy round bar, A7075BE - T6 - South Korea

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200,894 ₫

The above price does not include the cost of annealing

38.0x3000.0 40.0x3000.0 45.0x2000.0 45.0x2100.0 45.0x2800.0 45.0x2900.0 45.0x3000.0

Processing method Standard table

Surface Standard





Aluminum Alloy A7075BE is a variant of the A7075 alloy, renowned for its high strength and commonly used in industrial and aerospace applications. This alloy is often employed in environments requiring high mechanical strength and good wear resistance.

Key Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy A7075BE:

- Chemical Composition:
- Aluminum Alloy A7075BE primarily consists of aluminum (Al), with zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), and other elements such as iron (Fe) and silicon (Si).

- Physical Properties:
- High Strength: A7075BE is noted for its high tensile and flexural strength, making it suitable for load-bearing applications.
- Hardness: The alloy's high hardness helps it resist wear and deformation under challenging working conditions.
- Machinability: Despite its high strength, A7075BE can be efficiently machined, especially after heat treatment.
- Corrosion Resistance: While not the most corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy, A7075BE still offers reasonable corrosion resistance, especially when coated or surface-treated.

- Applications:
- Aerospace Industry: Used in the production of aircraft structural components, wings, and other high-stress parts.
- Industrial Applications: Applied in the manufacture of molds, machine parts, and components requiring high strength.
- Sports Equipment: Used in the production of bicycle frames, skateboards, and other sports equipment that require a combination of light weight and high strength.

- Shape and Size:
- Aluminum Alloy A7075BE is typically available in forms such as sheets, bars, or other custom shapes depending on application requirements.

Manufacturing and Processing:
- Aluminum A7075BE is typically produced through casting, rolling, and heat treatment processes to achieve desired mechanical properties. Heat treatment (like T6) optimizes the alloy's strength and hardness.
(Source: Internet)

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