Brass rod, BeCu25 - H - Japan

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2,144,164 ₫

The above price does not include the cost of annealing

40.0x10.0 40.0x224.0

Processing method Standard table

Surface Standard





BeCu25 Copper Alloy, also known as C17200, is a high-performance copper alloy that contains beryllium. This alloy is renowned for its high tensile strength, good hardness, and significant electrical and thermal conductivity. BeCu25 is commonly used in applications that require a combination of mechanical strength and conductivity.

Key characteristics of BeCu25 Copper Alloy:

- Chemical Composition:
- BeCu25 contains approximately 1.8-2% beryllium (Be), with the remainder being copper (Cu). It may also contain a small amount of cobalt (Co) or nickel (Ni) to enhance mechanical properties.

- Physical Properties:
- High Strength and Hardness: BeCu25 offers high tensile strength and good hardness, making it resistant to heavy loads and wear.
- Good Electrical and Thermal Conductivity: Although not as high as pure copper, BeCu25 maintains significant electrical and thermal conductivity.
- Corrosion Resistance: The alloy provides good corrosion resistance in various environments, including industrial settings.

- Applications:
- Electronics and Telecommunications: Used in components such as electrical contacts, springs, and parts that require high strength and good conductivity.
- Aerospace and Defense: Employed in aircraft components and military equipment that demand high strength and heat resistance.
- Mold Making and Tools: Used in the production of molds for plastic casting and tools that require high wear resistance and durability.

- Shape and Size:
- BeCu25 is available in forms such as rods, plates, tubes, and other product forms depending on specific application requirements.

Manufacturing and Processing:
- BeCu25 is produced through casting and hot working processes. It is machinable and weldable, but safety precautions must be followed due to the potential health hazards of beryllium inhalation.
(Source: Internet)

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